You need to do the following to access matrimony profiles:

a> Register with us.

b> Then you will be able to access all the functionality in our site till 30th June 2020.

Click on Register, enter the requested details and submit the information. You will receive an activation email with a link. Click on the activate link to activate your account.
The steps are as follows :

a> Register / Login into Mahasankaramatrimony.com

b> In the default landing page you can click the Add New Matrimony Profile link and start entering the required information.

c> Save and then click on My Matrimony - My Profile link to see the information you just entered in the previous step.

d> To enter additional related to your profile click on Edit in the relevant section to enter and save the information.

e> Once you add the relevant profile information your profile will not automatically list in the Profile Search as we need to verify and publish the information.